All We Need Is Love!

“There’s nothing you can’t make that can’t be made. No one you can save that can’t be saved.

Confidence with Christ

The coach, with his cap on and his head down, starts out of the dugout and makes his way towards the mound.  You know the scene well if you’ve played baseball, softball, or watched any Brewers games. 

Christ Jesus, Shepherding You to Salvation

Last week, 12 hours after returning from our honeymoon, we attended a family funeral.  My uncle was called home to heaven.

Finding Easter Peace

Wasn’t worship on Easter Sunday great! We had three great services. A wonderful Easter breakfast. Fantastic special music, strings, and brass!

From One Doubting Thomas to Another

Many years ago, there was an East Coast pastor, Pastor Wright, who paid a visit to a small, Midwestern religious college. He stayed at the home of the college president, who also served as a professor of physics and chemistry.

Easter Hymns: What a Heritage!

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job as pastor is worship planning. Worship is such an important part of our congregational life that we couldn’t really imagine our church gatherings without it.

Jesus–My Living Redeemer

The words to one of the most beloved of all Easter hymns, words that Handel put to music in his oratorio, Messiah, words that you will see on at least one gravestone in a walk through a cemetery come from perhaps an unlikely source.

He and He Alone Finished Your Salvation!

We yearn for the finish lines of life! When we are young, we want to be done growing up.

The Offense of God’s Grace

Once upon a time, there lived an evil king. He ruled over the people for 55 years. Evil, perhaps, is too kind of a word to describe him.

Look Up!…Look to the Lord!

A comedian once joked that when men reach middle age, they dive deeply into one of two things…either war history or smoking meats.