Entries by Pastor Schlicht

The Struggle Against Guilt

Have you ever heard the song “Hurt” by Johnny Cash? It was actually first written by a man named Trent Reznor of the band “Nine Inch Nails” in 1994. Johnny Cash covered it in 2002 and it became a hit. At the time, he was 71 and his health was rapidly declining.

From Silence to Silence

So when the accusations come, when self-pity tempts, when you want to complain or cry out, remember that your Savior was silent for you. First look up to Christ and then to the people around you.

From Garden to Garden

Our theme tonight is from Garden to Garden, specifically looking at the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane. The closer you look, an incredible symmetry is revealed between Eden and Gethsemane. Listen to how God reverses things, how Jesus redeems the past from Garden to Garden.

From Lamb to Lamb

We grasp the story of the Passover and then trace the lamb which spans the entire Bible. We begin our journey on the road to redemption this Lenten season by traveling from lamb to Lamb.