Early Childhood Open House

Eastside Lutheran’s Early Childhood is hosting an Open House! “Through the Reading Glass” is our theme this year. Come and enjoy a fun family night exploring your child’s favorite storybook characters as they choose their own adventure!

Who: Children ages 2-8 and parents/caregivers.

When: Thursday, January 25th from 6:oopm-7:30pm

Where: Eastside Lutheran Church and School, enter the lower preschool doors.

Cost: It’s free! No registration needed, just show up because we’d love to meet you!

Questions? Email EC Director Alyssa Scharrer at ascharrer@eastsidelutheran.org or Principal Ben Rank at brank@eastsidelutheran.org.

Come Check Out Our School!

Please join us for Eastside Lutheran School’s OPEN HOUSE!

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